Selling account rappelz r7 undine

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/9/15.

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  1. Games

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    wts account rappelz with:
    156 MB With mc gear (+10-+12staff and axe ) pet nani r7 staged with gear +10 mc lb and other belt pet (yeti s4- kenta) ss:30 gmfb19 and mc warrior gear (armor +axe +11+10) , loot pet
    151corr mc gear ( +12 +9 with boots ang glove td.s) belt formation, 70 ss, altered, deva belssing , loot pet
    152 bersek mc gear (+14 armor +12+13 1haxe and +132haxe) 6 slot feral master belt(with 2 golem kenta and yeti and skel s4) dino healer staged 147 and 155 s3 melee pet (dino equip r7) ( melee pet gear +14 decive armor and mace) ss:78, altered deva loot pet
    all mc helmet good wherehouse(iffy s3150 60 creature stable 4day, 3b in cash
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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