Picture of Account (a few days old) 6*s include: Teshar (3k Atk, 61 crit, 188 crit dmg) (skills maxed) Arnold Acasis (skills maxed) Briand Ahman (skills maxed) Bernard (skills maxed) 5* Konamiya Megan Verdehile Baretta Shannon Neal Belladeon Geoffrey Wind Pierret Wind Drunken Master Fire Kung ** Girl 4* Wind DeathKnight Wind Vampire Baretta Wind Kobold Bomber Wind Samurai Water Undine 7x Devilmon Can auto Giants 10, Dragons 7 Clear to around 70 on ToA normal, 40 ToA hard Conqueror 1 most weeks. Looking for $175 obo. Prefer to do the transaction thru middleman.