Got Skin dimension breaker,phoenix butterfly etc. Look down for skins and stats. Missing wonderwoman If you wanna see any specific skin you can mail me or message me on discord discord: moistpenguin#9889 email:[email protected] i want 150 Usd for this or you can provide an offer that sounds reasonable. Before adding me on any platform just know that i can only go first if your playerup is verified . I never go first regardless of what you say. I consider midman options if you shoulder all the fees. I need to get this off my hands because i really cant stop myself from buying new releases i have impulsive tendencies and i keep buying skins for heroes i dont even use. I wont go lower over 100usd its Facebook. bound and im willing to give the credentials for it. Theres no personal info because i only use it for games VIEW SKINS HERE: playerup VERIFIED: