Hey, TS3 travian server. It's right before artifacts start, so still a lot of time to play. 1. Teuton 5 villas (cap and non-cap hammer). Have CP for 8 villages. In 2-3days 2 chiefs will be ready. 2. Ally: #2 (Discord) 3. top #70~ attacker 4. top 140~ hero. 4.1 20% off bonus. 4.2 Fully equipped. 5. OFF Troop/pop ratio: 7 This is brief description. It has much more. Overall account is great. It WILL be in WW ally, WILL have artifacts and huge army as well because of the conditions I made. I would gladly play myself and have all this fun smacking everyone and taking away villages, but I just don't have time anymore. I'd do lt for 60$.