Sold [Private] Shopify Dropshipping Mentorship | $3M+ Monthly Revenue

Discussion in 'Shopify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 7/27/20.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    Available August Slots: 5/5
    Slot Price: $1500

    I'm decided to bring the best business investment I ever made to PlayerUp. I'm giving you the chance to create a real income stream for yourself and take you the places you never thought were possible.

    You will be provided access to 1 on 1, step by step support by two giant eCommerce veterans to help you learn every aspect of Shopify Dropshipping.

    You will learn the following whilst under our mentorship:
    • How to easily identify winning products
    • How to properly set up your website
    • How to create an effective winning creative for Facebook./Instagram..
    • The exact ad strategy our mentors use to generate millions of dollars in revenue.
    • How to optimize your store and ads to increase conversions
    • How to completely automate your store
    • Tips and tricks that eCommerce gurus use to improve their lifestyle.
    The greatest part about our mentorship, is that our strategies are easy to replicate, and have been proven to be hugely successful with tens of stores without the need for past knowledge in eCommerce. In April, I launched a store and on the first day it was doing $650 in sales; by day four it was starting to do $1000 daily. Shopify stores are also incredibly easy to scale due to Facebook.'s algorithm doing most of the work for you, the main reason 90% of dropshippers fail is due to not having proper guidance and having no idea what to do.


    Pricing Information:

    We will be taking on 5 students per month at $1,500 per student.

    You may look at the price and believe it's too "high" however I can guarantee that you will not find an offer like this anywhere else. Most eCommerce guru's sell a course, with outdated strategies and sell it to the masses, not taking a second for 1 on 1, private support; Our mentor-ship is the EXACT opposite to this, we care about each and every one of our students and make sure to help you even with the smallest of problems, the dropshipping world is fast paced and changes often, by utilziing our mentorship and access to our private group of like minded individuals you can stay ahead of the curve and up to date with everything in the space.

    Once we are sold out for the month, you will have to wait until next month to reserve your slot.


    Q: How much money do I need to have ready to invest?
    A: We recommend you have at-least $1,000, you'll be using this money on Facebook. Ads to test your products.

    Q: How long does it take to start making profit?
    A: That question is hard to answer, every student is different. We've had students start making profit within their first week. It's dependent on how much work you put in.

    Q: How much work will this require?
    A: The great thing about dropshipping is that it's pretty easy to maintain and run. You will have to work a good amount at the start, finding your product can sometimes take a while and be tedious, once your store is made and things are running smoothly, you'll probably spend an hour or so a day making sure everything is running smoothly and optimizing your ads and store.

    2020 Student / Mentors Earnings:

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