The account has a lvl 186 Sac, 184 Iop, 136 Eliotrope, 135 Feca. Those characerts are in the server Rushu but has a Hispanic Community (you can transfer to spanish servers, good for making good money with interserver business), the sac has the following proffesions: lvl 100 Costumagus/Shoemagus/Jewellmagus, lvl 65-70 Tailor/Shoemaker/Jeweller. Items in the bank are worth 35mk (35 000 000), as you can see it also comes with a Cawwot dofus, 2 Crimson dofus and 2 Emerald dofus (they are not exchangable yet tho). I think what im offering is worth the price, good cash making account and you can level up chars very easy in it too.