Hey, here i am selling my Diablo 3 Account. Look at it here: https://eu.diablo3.com/en/profile/Dedication-11844/hero/134740244 The Account is above 3250 Paragon, which places him within the Top 20 of the EU-Paragonladder. The main set the Account is geared for is the new GoD-Set for the Demonhunter. Besides that, there are GG Primal parts of the Unhallowed Essence and the Shadows Set avalible. It has GG Items for alot of Builds (especially Jewelery wise). There are over 30 Gems at Level 112+ ready to be augmented. the account also has the Necromancer Pack bought. Here are some example Screenshots: If you want to see more screenshots just write me and I'll send them to you; I am original owner of the account. The free battle tag change is still avalible. Email and password can be changed. You will recieve all the Information there is avalible to the Account. Price: 150$ Paypal via Family and Friends. Contact me either on this forum or at discord: Tempter#9408