Selling Account eden eternal game server diamond all 85 levels in total Legendary Achievement 96%

Discussion in 'Eden Eternal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/26/15.

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  1. Games

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    Price $:
    selling price of $ 485 USD
    Make Offer
    Legendary Achievement 96%
    Halfkin - level max 85 - Main Magic
    All Class level 85

    1. is open all classes awaken
    2. have all the armor awaken level 80
    3. Prime has as many as 5 pet pet and max level 85
    4. has 2 pieces batel mount helios and Tiger BM prime
    5. almost all of the weapons awaken level 80
    6. Trophy has set a lot of various BOS strongest ring and necklace also
    7. can solo DDRUN Room Kimba and solo Trial
    8. full Prime Set Costum and gold bonus 20.000Gold
    9. and many more surprises that I can not explain
    The selling price of $ 485 USD. only serve payments via Paypal
    Please meet with me in the game Eden Eternal Server Diamond to see the truth. I only serve if you are willing to buy it.
    Contact me:
    Email = [email protected] (Fast Respon)
    or Email me at this forum I will immediately respond

    - - - Updated - - -

    Safe and reliable Guarantee Money back, I'll tell you my complete profile Facebook. and if necessary in the transaction
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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