Selling [EU] LVL 98 Sorcerer (Methus&Argus) 10kk+ / Balge etc.

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/26/15.

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  1. Games

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    Location: DragonsProphet for EU users
    Server: Lysaia (Methus&Argus) GER
    Character: LVL 98 Mage/Sorcerer Female

    What does my Account offer:
    - full exp'ed/geared lvl 98 Sorcerer
    - epic/legendary 95/98 equip (except accessories)
    - stats fully pushed to ferocity (alot dmg output)
    - skilltrees still free chooseable since an update reset it
    - 10.000.000 Gold in stock (will be prolly increase, still got stuff to sell)
    - ALOT of avatar sets/parts to use (some of them will be showed in pictures below)
    - one full page of shop items
    - Dragons Prophet's shiny rary BALGE @lvl72
    - some legendary dragons
    - quiet okay dragon energyskills available
    - like 10 unlocked colors around the account (black included)
    - additional twinkchar (bow lvl25) with some unlocked dragon compound/nest spaces
    for flutefarming
    - some random materials banked (leadis stuff included)

    Personal Message me here if you got any questions or an offer allready.
    After calculating price we could talk about payment.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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