Sold Shopify - Store Creation & Optimization | $100,000+ Revenue

Discussion in 'Shopify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 7/25/20.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    I've decided to open this service up because I've noticed a lot of people getting into the eCommerce space are horrendous at creating an appealing and high converting store.

    I'll personally build & design a store for you, centered around your product. I'll be using the debut theme as it's the default Shopify theme and has worked wonders for me before, however if you have any other preference I have a few premium themes we can also use.

    You will receive:
    • Store Design
      - I will design a fully functional store for you, including additional Shopify apps
    • Social Media
      - I will setup your Social Media accounts for you (Instagram./Facebook. Page)
    • Creatives ($75 Extra)
      - Optionally, you can have a creative created for you, to use to advertise your product. 25-30s long.

    Q: Do I need any additional investments?
    A: Outside of paying for advertising, if you want me to make the store convert higher, I will use Shopify apps to do so, which can cost money so it's good to have some money set aside to pay for Shopify apps.

    Q: How long will it take for you to complete the store?
    A: A week maximum, although I aim to have it complete within two or three days.

    Q: Do you offer refunds
    A: No, I will only refund if I cannot deliver your store within 7 days of starting the creation of the store.

    Q: Do you create general stores?
    A: No! I will only create one product stores.

    Q: Do you guarantee i'll make profit?
    A: No. I'm not responsible for not making money if your product sucks or you are inexperienced with advertising.

    Price: $299

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