Duel of Champions (MMDoC) Account: Level 115+ / 3700+ cards Hey, I'm selling my Duel of Champions (MMDoC) account. You can build every competitive deck like: Hakeem Mill Asalah Mill Kelthor (very good for grinding and swiss tournaments) Gazal Ishuma Cassandra Fortunes Sandalphone Lock And more… I'm looking for 150€ by Paypal, lots of time was invested in that account. And here are the account's stats. I'm still playing the game a bit, so the values might be a bit higher at the time of the sale. Level 115+ 107/140 Achievments 28 Tournament Tickets 3700+ Cards 30 Wild Cards 73/80 Five Towers 146/148 Forgotten Wars cards 98/103 Herald of the Void cards 101/105 Void Rising cards 224/224 Base set cards Last edited by malkavian7; 01-05-2014 at 09:28 AM.