Hello! This is Ama's skin buying service. I have 18 +Rep's on the site and over 100 on Discord/Kakao/instagram./Messenger. I used to buy skins over Kakao, but nowdays i use discord mainly to buy skins. I can give proof i've done many transactions and have 5000€+ in PayPal purchases/sells. My current budget is 900€. Items i am NOT currently looking for: Rare float skins Blue pattern ak's or fivesevens Shadow Daggers under 100€. If you are selling me your items, keep in mind i will buy it for 10% under the market price since that is the price usually buyers buy for. I Offer the best price for your skins. Add me on discord to discuss the price. My TOS. 1. I only use PayPal for the transactions friends&family. 2. If the seller doesn't send the skins in an hour after the agreement, i will assume that he doesn't want to proceed the trasaction and will just cancel the trade if the seller still sends the skin. 3. No scammers, i know ALL of the current scams on Steam, and PayPal. 4. I have been on the site since 2017, and my Discord tag is Iate#1559. Watch out for fake accounts of mine. I have the Early Supporter badge, and the name has an I instead of an L. The fact is if you get scammed by an impersonator i'm sadly not going to give you an compensation. Thank you for reading, and hoping you will consider using my service. My discord is Iate#1559! Have a good one.