Looking to sell my account - this account is completely standard ready with (4) of every card you would need for any standard deck (i have a habit of wanting one of every deck) - Rare sleeves including the most recent Secret lair summer 2020 sleeves (5 in all ) and the Ikoria box preorder pet, avatar and sleeves (lots of other sleeves as well), ALL godzilla art styles, Ikoria Mastery Pass (currently lvl 67, plenty of time to finish up and get that cute pet and sleeve) This account also has plenty of historic staples for your historic needs. Looking to sell as soon as possible (pandemics suck!) Not a reseller, this is my original account. If you'd like any details please feel free to ask.
hi- do you have the godzilla lands? have you finished all master passes? what pets, avatars and rare sleeves do you have? thanks