Selling  Android and iOS  High End 7.1+M TCP // 462K STP

Discussion in 'Marvel Strike Force Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jadedwolf, 7/22/20.

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  1. Jadedwolf

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    Due to life (and starting school) I am selling my MSF account. ALL legendaries unlocked, all characters unlocked (except for X-23) but blitz will be starting soon for the weekend (also have a 4rs for Squirrel Girl). This is an account with 7.1 million TCP & 462k STP. Arena team is effortlessly top 100, and have been able to consistently get to top 50 with smart attacks.
    This is a game I've invested into quite a bit considering its a 732 log-in day account. Dark Dimension 3 has also been started and more than halfway through Node 3. Account does VERY well in U7 - alliance I was in with this account has consistently completed 60% U7 Difficuly 4 (Middle Lanes), and was a high end competitive Gold 3 War Alliance. I've attached the full roster as well as the player profile & DD3 progress screenshot.

    9 G14 Characters
    26 G13 Characters

    1 7rs
    6 rs
    22 5rs

    Inhumans - 295k
    Supernatural - 300k
    Mercs - 230k
    Guardians - 350k
    Asgardians - 350k
    AIM - 350k
    F4 - 370k
    X-Men - 340k
    PA2 - 300k
    BO - 290k

    If you're interested I'm available on discord as jadedwolf#2063. Account is available for iOS & Android, and has a facebook. account thats attached to the profile which all details will be provided to the buyer. Listening to all offers. Thanks for your time!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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