Sold Avrora HOT BEST ACCOUNT UP TO THIS TIME Lv 122, 95k attacks

Discussion in 'Azur Lane Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Numba Wan, 7/22/20.

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  1. Numba Wan

    Numba Wan
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    !!!This is the best account till this point on here, and if you miss this opportunity, you won't see anything like this again.
    *Note: This account has only 89.9% collect rate due to me not fully retrofit all the ships even when I have more than enough resources (because they are bad ships)


    - I completed all the maps in the game with 3 stars.
    even Hard Mode

    - Got all the drop-only ships excepts Dewey (because she is irrelevant). You can farm for her, I have everything setup already.

    - Have all collab ships (they won't come back ever)

    - 91 oaths (I oathed all the best/good/tier 0~1 ships already) <3

    - Gears, lots of gears, all limited gears, 12 single 138.6s, also tons of craftable gears

    - Have all the "best and important ships" (yes I have Bunker Hill)

    - Have a few skins not worth mentioned

    - Dorm maxed out: happiness 474, fully unlocked 6 slots, with second floor

    - All pr1 ships are dev30 (they are also maxed lv and oathed), pr2 ships are almost dev30

    - Got all the frames (portraits), the 2 I don't have: 1 is for new players, 1 only lasted for 30 days

    - TONS of resources +1 ring so you can oath a SHIP OF YOUR CHOICE (very important XD )

    - More than a full page of purins (gold bulins)

    - 64 unclaimed mails


    - Also 7k+ core data


    This account has everything you ask for.
    <3 <3 <3
    #1 Numba Wan, 7/22/20
    Last edited: 7/22/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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