Selling  Average 40,000,000 Server 550

Discussion in 'Brutal Age Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kiriga, 7/19/20.

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  1. Kiriga

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    My Location:
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    SH: 24

    Troop amount: 900,000 and growing (currently 600,000 t4)

    Every building level 21 or higher


    Red Nomad, Green Colonel, Blue Elephant, Blue Knife, Red Knife, Red Assassin, and many more great partners, 6 star and 3 star awakened. (The Red nomad can solo any level 2 lonely warrior)

    Dragonkin: Tryant, 2*, RageHorn, 2*, Viler and Duller, 1*, Leviathan, 3* all level 30+ except Leviathan.

    Server: 550 (relatively new)

    Battle research: 65%

    Development: 41%

    Outpost: 54%

    Troop attack research level(the one required before T5): 12/15

    Current power ranking: 30

    Black Horde, #1 Ranking clan

    Chinese, English, Russian and French mix server.

    No enemies, simply bored with the account.

    Highly active server, friendly too. Have won 5 out of 6 horde invasions.

    Contact me via email: [email protected]

    Instagram.: sankblack

    Discord: miku#2629

    WeChat: Hatsuneh

    Cashapp or PayPal, price minimally # but may rise the longer you wait, as my stronghold and power will rise.

    I will NOT post screenshots here, in order to protect my account. if you want more details simply message me I will be happy to provide proof.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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