Sold [Buying] Super Price from SuperManServices

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by idg, 7/17/20.

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  1. idg

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    Hey,Superman here! You muSt have been looking for aSuper long time for an S-ClaSS (Super)Service:
    -Super prices on your gold
    -Super faSt paymentS
    -Supper tedSafe delivery methodS and tradeS
    -Super truSted Seller with lotS of poSitive feedbackS
    -Super (juSt try me and you’reSuper happy)
    ThatS what I offer to you,Super gamerS ;)
    I’m buying all gold on all EU and US servers. If you have Some gold to sell – you’re alwayS welcome. I expect long-term partnerShipS with people who are willing to Sell me gold. You can do it regularly. My moSt loyal suppliers get even BETTER rateS.
    The reasonS why you should chooSe me I have already named: cuz everything isSuper about me ;)
    But I learned from my competitorS on forumS and I’m confident about my current price.
    Give it a try you See yourSelf, that my rateS are BEST among all otherS. I damn guarantee you that!
    I can afford a purchaSe of any volumeS and amountS, don’t be Shy to ask me if you have queStions ;​


    Im Super ready to help you.
    Im paying with Super great variety of payment methodS:
    - PayPal
    - Skrill
    - Uphold
    - Venezuela Bank Transfer
    - E-transfer
    - BTC (and other typeS of crypto like LTC, ETH)
    - Qiwi
    - WeStern Union
    - Zelle
    - Tether
    - Neteller
    - Perfect money
    Something iS miSSing? ASk me and I open the wallet juSt for you!
    I’m Super excited and looking forward to work with you, my Super boiS
    You canSuper eaSily reach me out in Discord orSkype (ImSuper often online… Like 24/7 :) )
    My Super contactS:
    Skype - live:.cid.c5cbcdaff89dc799
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