VIP 13 Account with tons of bag space, extra rewards from event raid/tavern/monthly cards. -16x E5 heroes (2x Amen Ra, 1x Tara, 2x Aida, 1x Belrain, 3x Carrie, 1x Aspen, 1x Drake, 2x Garuda, 1x Unimax, 1x Penny, 1x Horus). -10* HW and a fair amount of fodder. Every P2W artifact except crown, 2000+ universal crystals. (4x DB, 4X MSS, 2x Antlers, Glittery Punisher, 1x Ruyi, 2x Kiss of Ghost, 2X AMB, Glittery Candy Bar, 1X Torch) Doesn't have Russell or Sherlock (5 copies of each so far, with 400+ relics and 300+ super coins), but still very competitive account and in a Top2 guild. Feel free to PM me with any questions.