Sold Level 87 Hunter Dwarf Male on Landroval

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LOTRO, 10/14/14.

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  1. LOTRO

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    Main Characters Destiny Points: 50000
    Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Pretty much the best you can have in almost every area (golds). With alternate stat choices in the bank.
    Main Characters Stats (Describe): Maxed across the board. has used all stat tomes and just about every virtue for the class is maxed.
    Select the number of characters over Level 20:
    All Mounts (Describe): Main character has over 40 mounts. has many store bought mounts, has many festival, all the bone mounts and more.
    All Assets (Describe): This is where things are fun. This is a 5 account package and you dont want it any other way!!!! Assets are my speciality and this will be long. I have 9 houses. 3 kinships, 3 standards and 3 deluxes. currently none of the acounts are set-up VIP and that can be done and maintain the kinships that are all charecters only on the accounts. 1 account 1 premium and 2 fTP. they server no purpuse other then to hold houses and have characters in a kinship. a 4th account has been VIP before and has 6 or 7 charecters on it. only two of wroth. a level 60 ministril and a 35ish level Arden. The minstril has used all stat tomes!! This account has maxed wardrobe, the mini has maxed vault. the vaults are overflowing with items. I have also purchased ALL quest and expansion content on this account you do not get with VIP. so if you make the account VIP, you have everything. Its not the main account though... Theres 600.00 or so in store only purchases for this account, and it currently has a few thousand points on it. The main account has maxed char slots and all but 2 are full (so you can drop to premium and not lock any charecters). There is a charecter of every class on the account. There is a charecter for every craft on the account. every craft is maxed in guild reputation and their choosen craft at the level 85 tier. They all have enough sigils in the bank to instantly become maxed at the new guild rep. Every crafter has enough mats in their vault to make almost anything in game, and typically will have at least a 100 stack if not 2-3 100's stacks of every mat their craft uses. most of them are around level 20-30. all of them have maxed vaults from gold unlcoks and many of them have went beyond that and bought store vault unocks, and in several cases maxed that. This account when made VIP has aaccsess to all content. all quests and expansions you do not get with VIP have been purchased. Additionally the account has had about 3,000.00 of store content purchased for it. Multiple store mounts across characters and more. Before I go into the main chracter I want to cover a few other things. Im a hoarder in game. I have every house decoration in the game except for 7 trophies.. this includes all deed items, trophies, and more. I have a dragon fireplace, an unwelcome mat, 2 turtle bushes, and 2 draigoch statues. a mini tower of orthanc, and just about anything else you care to name. I even have the discontinued glorious beer mug. But i also have every reputation store bought house decoration item and every crafted one, and every npc bought, etc.. every house has every decor slot full. i have every map in the game on the walls. one of the charecters on this account has a huge vault with nothing but overflow items. every house has the taxes paid to the max, and max storage. each house has its own decoration theme.. but check this.. they are all grouped! i choose thorins hall for quick accsess between town and houses by foot. in one instance are 5 houses all side by side.. you cna jump out, jump into anothe rinstance and 3 more are grouped.. the 9th house, which is a kin is in this same second instance but a bit more isolated.. why? all the others are right by the front door! the 9th house is the only house that i went for the BEST location in the instance to have one place that has a cool location, and is isolated and private. whats in storage? in houses (not banks yet). i have almost 180 wardrobe items in chests.. non-bound ones. i have chests of foods, i have chests overflowing with runes, class quest items, and more. my main char is a lvl 85 hunter.. i was a well known raid leader and one of the best. so he has all the best equipment and stats. when i say best, i mean best. his legendary items are all capped.. with everything. hand picked legacis, all maxed tiers, maxed runes, you name it. I also have eveyr fes titem, every quest item, if it shosue decor i have it.. wardrobes.. i mentioned the stuf in hosues. my shared wardrobe is maxed.. ans is different items! I have every item you can get in game and not from store in cosmetics.. and i have a love you-ton of the store bought stuff also. around 300+ ward drobe items in game. i mentioned crafting stock.. each craft having 100 stacks of their materials.. oh it goes way beyond htat. in shared storage is stuff that all crafts use. i have near 100 stacks of shards, mithril flakes, turtle shells, and so forth. i have 10-20 stacks of even the new ones they introduced as loot drops (the gem ones, cant rememebr names at the moment). i have sigils sitting in vaults, and more. my mains bank vault is of course maxed, and its overflowing. he has stuff to restock his supplies 5x over.. full stacks of oils, foos, drinks, and more.. even 100's of those scrolls that make it so you take no damage when you fall. oh, reminds me.. i have two chests in houses full of travel maps. stacks upon stacks of in game travel maps. i buy them up in huge amounts and store them, for charecters to quick travel with. marks? over a 100K in marks. so many shards for LI's i stopped destroying runes.. premium wallets are full of things.. i could go on all day forever. On top of about 3K in gold, the gold value of all my posessions is probally around 20-30K, maybe higher. Im talking the NON-BOND stuff!!!! im extrmeely skilled in buying and selling, playing the AH, etc.. probally one of the best on the server actualy i know for a fact im in the top 2). and i hoard, i hoard inventory for resale and i haord anything i can use until i have so much of it that whateer else i pick up i can sell and not worry id ever need it, and i did it for over 2 years at 40 hours a week. the best way to sum this up is that in store value, unlocked content, unlocked storage, quests packs, expansions, etc.. this account has a few thousand dollars put into the store. in terms of in game items, theres literrally about nothing i dont own.. i have a list of the 7 trophies i havent picked up in game and honestly, they are ones easier to get. two huron plants, the items from dar nugbugud (which drop better now i just hadnt gotten around to it), and a best decorated house in neighberhood trophy, which i dont think theyve issues in years. These accounts could have a fire sale of epic porpotions and be the highest gold account on the server (thats not a farmer). i have enoug inventory of sutff i dont need, from my AH buying and selling to run a 180 auctions a day selling stuff i bought with the purpose of reselling for profit (my typical store inventory if you will). Wahts nice about these accounts is theres room for growth.. in terms of leveling up the main from 85-95.. and then in terms of you have all the other charecter classes to choose from, fully ready to go at their levels, with vaults full of stuff, to begin playing and levelling. i ahve equipment ive picked up stashed in their vaults all the way up to 85 items. someone can play these charecters, be fully self supportive for ALL crafting needs, craft anything in the game (maxed farming also.. and my cook has unbelievable amounts of inventory).. did i mention my scholar mats? How about a 100 stack of every mat for every color of dye? how about a chest full of stacks of every dye in the game? getting the gist yet? someone would have enough in resources to dress anyway they want, play anyway they want, craft anything they want, without ever needing to buy from another player.. wether its ores, ingots, woods, leathers, i have it.. did i mention that while i only have one maxed guild rep tailor.. i have 3 charecters with maxed tailor crafting ability? multiple charecters have maxed ability in tanning and smelting as well. ive had a few people who have really sen all that i have, and that have called it an empire created and maintained by a single person.. this is the best way to describe it. but the swweet spot is its an empire ready and able to serve you levelling and playing the game with the other classes and not worrying about the support. heck, i have stat tomes vaulted! the reaoson im not presenting a list of everything here is, as you can start to sense by now, it would take days of typing. i welcome you to somehow go on a tour of these accounts with me... and the fact that this set-up includes three kinships, all over the 90 day mark, fully stcoked and staffed with your own charecters is huge also.. people in game would love to BUY kinships like that, i see it all the time. 9 houses, 3 being kinships? the value of that in game ishuge, even if you couldnt care less that each one of them comes with some of the rarest decoration in game... i should add, i said i have every trpohy except for the few? i didnt mention i have multiple copies of some of the lesser ones.. multiple drums, multiple warg trophies, and dwarf dioramas, heads, and wings, oh my! deeds.. lets talk deeds. my main? has accomplished deeds beyond beliefe.. quests beyond belief.. and has maxed reputation with almost every rep in the game. there a re a few that need ot be finished but not many. ALSO - all epic quests have been completed with the main... hmm... what else.. oh, he has max rep with both the inn leauge and ale associtian (and has all their items, including all the trophies!) ... hat this means though that when festivals come around? if you know how you can do all 22 of the delivery quests for both factions, and then restore the last bit of rep you need to be maxxed duel again, in abotu 40 minutes.. i can include a guide on how to.. convert those to fest tokens, and make 66 festivl tokens in 30 minutes, each day... you have no idea how huge that is. i can make thousandds of gold selling fest stuff per festival without trying.. and i could sell it all, because i own EVERY festival item!!! treasure digs? i have every item you can get from a dig event.. all mounts (mutliples copies on multiple cahrectes!) all cosmetics, all house items.. mounts? i have the skill that gives all mounts 78% mount speed. warehourse for my main? Yep, i have many additional cosmetic sets.. all in game and some store bought. milestones? how about rapid oold downs and multiple locations? have that.. almost every char has at least 2 milestones so they can get to my town of choice for doing things in (thorins hall, near the hosues), but also one to get to high end crafting areas quickly. my main has 5 or so milestones with fast cooldwon. two of them i keep set for two locations that making doing those festival deliveries a bit simpler...i should mention, i have 50 stacks of all the ales needed for those in a vault :) like those moria quest that use the shrads to get name scrolls? fll stacks.. want to level up the captain and need class quest items? yeah, just hit one of the houses and grab what you needs, it should be there. ok, i think your getting the point. breaking things down to raw values for this account.. thousands of dollars of store content. 3K gold is a huge amount of cash... but inventory enough to make 20-30K in gold easily is almost unbelivable (but its true). oh.. for crafters? stacks and stacks of guid symbols for all guild tiers premade in the vaults. the set-up of this 5 accoutn package is that you can make the main account VIP, and leave the other 4 free to pay. only paying for one account, and you can do antyhing you want in game. if desired theres a second account that cna be made vip with all the content aviliable and has a good charecter on it as well.. but a bit redundent. more importantly, is you can go free to play on all 5, loose no charecters, and still continue to maintain all the kinships and houses.. which is what im doing currently, since im not playing anymore. If your impressed by this, dont be. its what i do when i play an mmo.. i plan an empire a year+ ahead, maybe 2+ and my plans when people hear them would be said to be impossible, but i know better. im currently a Lord of the manor for Shroud of the avatar with a 10,000 pledge, and my plans have begun elsewhere.. i want to let these LOTRO accounts go, if for no other reason then im tired of having to log in once a month with my 3 kin leaders so the kins dont decay. i pay all the housing upkeep at that time as well. am i missing stuff? oh yeah.. im sure theres lots of things on these accounts i have forgotten to mention. its simple.. i ahve it, and i have it in large amounts. wethere it sgold, items, cosmetics, shards, runes.. runes? yep.. loaded.. i have chests full of them for all those charecters to use.. and the main? has been combining them for so long he has maxed tiers of them in his LI interfaces... his LI's all have the best you can make.. 3 for each. no, hes not 95 maxed, but he has enough equipment he can get there easily.. he is so over statted and so well equipped that he can fight level 90+ stuff already (ive done it).. and i have that content to! this is better then if he was level 95. it gives someone a chance to gain 10 levels to learn how to play him as they cap him again.. but yet doing so wont be hard. then they have all the other classses on a silver platter just leveld enough to be a good start, but with lots of room to grow and enjoy. and they dont ever have to worry about anything, ever, excpet what to kill, what to quest, etc.. and with this setup, someone that really wanted to, could cap all classes in 6 months or less, because they dont have to worry about gold, or equipment, etc.. now all that said.. i realize what the "book value" of all this is.. you have the easy to look at "it would cost about 3,000 for the store bought stuff".. i know what gold sells for, and such.. so ill just say i want as good of a price as i can get.. but i understand it wont be anywhere near what these accounts are worth.
    Lifetime Membership:
    Expansions: All - twice

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    contect me,a sk me questions, and we can take you on a tour. if you can meet me in game, ill introduce you to each charcter, tell you what they have in thier vaults, and in their wallets, in their stats, in theour mounts, etc.. and take you to all the houses and list contents for you. we can negotiate! im also willing to accept Shroud of the avatar accounts in trade, if any have landed in your lap yet.

    Total Gold on Account

    Contact Email Address
    [email protected]
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