Sold [Selling] Selling Trove Account for Shovel Knight and Rivals of Aether Gifts

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by NothianSeller, 7/14/20.

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  1. NothianSeller

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    I spent 90 dollars on this game but I quit a year ago, now all I want is to sell my account and have someone gift me Shovel Knight and Rivals of Aether on Steam
    My Discord is @GlowDonk#9054 if you want to buy my account, but make sure you are able to gift them to me
    Gift me the games first, then I'll give you the password and email to the account, I will not scam you. I promise
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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