Hello today I am selling 71k stage account with: - 4 mythic sets (ronheart, Mechanized Sword, Angelic Guardian and Ancient Warrior) + 377 shards, - 10 legendary sets (Bone Mender, Celestial Enchanter, Noble Fencer, Thundering Deity, Eternal Monk, Anniversary Platinum, Frost Warden, The Sly Wolf, Corrupt Emerald Knight and Dragon Slayer), - 7772 diamonds, - 1786 skill points, - 16 full sets of hero weapons, 616 weapons - 3 and 36/7 full hero scrolls, 248 scrolls - Arcane Bargain lvl 38, - Power surge lvl 10, - Anti-titan cannon lvl 29, - Mystical Impact lvl 16, - Intimidating Presence lvl 83, - Silent March lvl 209, - a lot of perks to use, - 9613 Dust (cards level 3-8) - joined 96 tournaments and won 30, 12410 tournament points, - crafting power 8, - total pets level 2262, Fluffers lvl 213, - Raid level 84, I am the first owner of this account it was made 627 days ago with 11days and 12hours of playtime. If you re interested in buying it pm me on Discord : Decha#1842 Payment via Paypal / can trade for growtopia dls/items CAN NEGOTIATE THE PRICE With every tournament account will become better cuz i play only when there are tournaments