Sale ID / URL BitCoin only (only accepts the US dollar, also known as USD) mellowin* | 1.50$ Hint: g (search for the meaning) maturat**n | 5$ Hint: wait for the fruit to ripen! scr**ched | 5$ Hint: give a loud, harsh, piercing, cry. emitt**ce | 4$ Hint: The emittance of a particle beam, generally represented by the Greek letter yes* | 4.60$ Hint: the 25th letter of alphabet (English) redetermin*d | 1.40$ Hint: is so obviously >>>> E naturalizat**n | 2$ Hint: The citizen of one State acquires the nationality of a second state presumpt**n | 2$ Hint: an idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also accepting offers