Sold [Trading] Trading amazing WoW account + Shadowlands! for Path of exile currency/Account

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nightwraithvile, 7/6/20.

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  1. nightwraithvile

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    Trading my WoW account as i have grown from the game and am HARDCORE into Path of Exile many 120's some highlights 471 paladin 478 demon hunter many factions tons of toons like BM hunter 470 as well across all factions account is a steal 5/12M in curren raid tier and 12/12 Heroic (that alone is worth over 1k!) 120 geared warrior most classes including mage a real steal for someone wanting to grind and have fun as well as 1.7k 2v2 rating ACCOUNT ALSO HAS FLYING EVERYWHERE (YAY RIGHT)

    Unswallowed - Character mage
    Holystoked - Character ret pally has prot stuff as well
    Huntardtroll - Character bm hunter
    Demonoligist - Character DH fully monstered out has BiS trinks just pvp ones on atm
    Imshortman - Character Unholy DK Assas rogue arms warrior (just boosted still geared)
    2k raider IO rating , 5/12m , 12/12 H tons and TONS of corruptions to choose from on every toon

    includes battle net account with photo id as well as all games included (such as Diablo 3 with rise of the necro )

    looking for currency mostly but if you have an insane mirror tier character i will trade accounts. Id will be provided and all recovery information to ensure 100% ownership.
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