New Job does not give me the time to play criminal legacy. Looking to get back some of the money put into the game. The account is above lvl 110. It has no blacklists and has been in a T10-T25 syndicate for a while now. Gears included - Epic: Poison Pusher - Maxed Rebel Gear - Maxed Digital Destroyer- Maxed Digital Destroyer - Lvl 90+ Illicit Soliciter - Maxed Retro Spy Gear - Maxed I also have a third digital destroyer that has not been upgraded yet. 4$ Gears: Roadie $ - Maxed Pageant Outfit - Maxed Bling King - Lvl 40 + 4 star - Street Star Maxed Hard Boiled - Lvl 65+ Grave Digger - Lvl 20 3$- SWAT Eliminator - LVL 20 Vultures Garments - Maxed Company Uniform - Maxed It also has some lvl three gears - some maxed. With this account you will not usually have to use them. It has enough EB rewards to craft both the regular gear and 4$ gear from the last 5 epic bosses. Last but not least it has 200 diamonds left to use how you please. Contact me with interest.