Help against a fake negative comment that harms my sellings

Discussion in 'Help - Ask Support Questions' started by QLC, 6/29/20.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    Hi! I feel you are the only one who can help me, because rest of moderators not answered me and neither in the forum when I published a new threat about it.

    I got a fake negative comment from the user @Absolutone1 in this topic:

    This user only has 1 post and not connected in last 3 months. I have the suspicious about that maybe is some other seller who is trying to harm my sellings, or simply a troll.

    All the things he said are not real, like the cheating, saying that I use a different price in the listing than in the original post, when already I said that the buyer pays part of the Middleman fee and this is the reason, so is a guy who simply is trying to harm my sellings, which is not good for me and PlayerUp.

    The best would be delete that message, nobody would care about if it disappears. Once is deleted I will edit my answer and put there a different thing, by this way nobody will read these things.

    Maybe as a freeman he can say his opinion, but when is clear that is a fake opinion and only has 1 post in all the forum and not connected in last 3 months, is a logical demonstration that simply is a troll trying to harm my sellings, so posts like these should be moderated, should be deleted.

  2. Rolan

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    He's got a point on his post particularly the #1. Its exploiting our Middleman Service, how? you put a middleman checkout link in your thread hence its getting the benefit of being pinned on top of non-middleman threads. If you really want to use 2 price tags then you should create a new thread without the middleman link in it as your separate sale for direct transactions.

    As for #2, i honestly have no idea whether they are telling the truth or not as i have not played the game.
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  3. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    This was a conversation with the moderator Rolan that converted to a public message -_-


    If some admin can answer that doubht, about if is correct put different prices in the same post, with one Middleman price which is the same than the Middleman listing, and then other prices for different methods, for example sometimes some buyer only has money in their Skrill or PayPal account and they prefer pay it directly instead of wait severals days to be created the 3-way conversation, the game which I do accounts is specially important a fast selling when they want start in first spots of a new server, there is 20.000 players per server, like every 12-14 days a new server starts, so maybe is at 19.000 players on this moment and they not want wait another 2 weeks to start to play, so is not possible use Middleman on this moment, or maybe they not use any of the Middleman payment options, and they only can use a bank transfer, for example, from a country not included in the Middleman bank transfers countries, and they prefer use TransferWise, which is the best method, because the fees are very low and there is not exchange currency fee. In my post I put the Middleman payment option as first option, but I tell other methods also to assure the buyers have enough options to choose and not miss any selling. Maybe PlayerUp not gains any money with that selling, but this money helps me to continue building and selling more accounts and soon or later appears people who prefer Middleman, already I sold around 600 USD by Middleman as payment method, 5 times as total, so I think I'm doing the correct thing. Would not have any sense to have 2 identic post for the same accounts, but only with other payment methods in the second post, it only would harm the servers because of be needed to have 2 messages for the same thing and it would increase a lot the server usage if every sellers needs to post 2 different post (one with the Middleman listing and another one without any listing) to sell the same accounts.

    I not see in any part of the Terms of Service or any other web that put different prices in the same post is not correct, and I see people with 150-200 sellings completed, 200 positive feedbacks, and they include # when the buyers use other methods, as is not applied the Middleman fee, so is normal do an # to benefit the buyer, the seller gets the same money in both cases, so would be nice if an official Middleman agent can answer it, because the moderators maybe are wrong. I'm not trying harm PlayerUp or try to avoid fees, there are other account transfers websites that they not accept any other payment method in the post, you only can say you use their own system, if you put some other method then you can get banned, but on PlayerUp we can read in the point 6.2 of the Terms of Service that "users are solely responsible for all of the terms and conditions of the transactions conducted", so unless I misunderstood it (I'm from Spain, I not talk English usually, so maybe I not understood that), but in my understanding I think it means that the sellers are who put the conditions in the post, the only thing I saw is that the Middleman listing must be the same price than the price tag, the price indicator that appears in the list of threats in the main forum, this is the only rule I saw, and I saw it in some discussions or disputes, not in the Terms of Services, so taking this 6.2 point into account I understand that it means we can put the prices which we want, like if I want put 30 different prices, soon I want put different prices for the new 48 accounts I wil build, because I will do a second round of hoarding on these accounts and the price will depend of how many resources they got, the resources are random so sometimes some accounts are better and others are worse, so I want to have 48 different prices, with an Excel spreadsheet that automatically calculates the price of every account, so instead of prices I will use a percentage depeding of the payment option, I only will keep as price tag the 1-round hoards that will have an static price, but the 2-rounds hoards will have different prices, so probably I will do a lot of different listings for every type of accouns, with increases of 5 USD from 130 to 230 USD, so like 20 different listings, I cannot do a different post for every listing, it would harm the other sellers in that forum if I bump 20 different threats, so is better to have all the accounts in the same post and then simply put different prices and listings inside the post, the buyers will understand it, so I not see any thing bad about do these things, I would prefer if all sellers do the same, with all accounts in the same post and different listings, instead of publish 20 different threats, or if is not allowed in any case put different price in threats with a Middleman listing, then simply create a second post not opened to replies with all Middleman listings added there, a post that will disappear in the list in some days, only useful for the buyers to click on the Middleman link that they prefer depending of which account they prefer, but I not see any rule in the Terms of Service that is needed do it by this way, so would be nice some official clarification =) and also would be nice add it in the Terms of Service as a knowledge for the sellers, to know that exist that rule.

    See you!!


    Here continues the conversation:

    The answer you say in the point 1 is not correct. I'm not exploiting the Middleman service to get a pinned, I'm using the Middleman service as first payment option in my threat, if you join in my profile you can check already I have 5 positive feedback from Middleman in transactions made by Middleman, simply I say in my post that if they want use Middleman for the payment, to have an extra protection, is needed pay 50% of the Middleman fee, the buyer pays 10 USD of the 20 USD Middleman fee, then the price is 130 USD instead of 120 USD using other methods. I don't need create a new listing for this 120 USD because is not a Middleman price, is a price for other methods like PayPal, Skrill, TransferWise and others when I talk with them by some chat platform, so I only need put 1 price, the Middleman price.

    The only thing that maybe you can say is that the price of the threat is different than the Middleman listing, because in the post I put the lowest price of my payment options, which is 120 USD, but the Middleman price is 130 USD. I not saw any rule in the site rules that only is allowed put the Middleman price as primary indicator, so for now, until a new rule about it is published, also there is nothing to say about it, but if there is some internal rule that nobody knows, and only the moderators know, then simply I can edit it to 130 USD and in the "other payment options" say that I do a 10 USD # if they use other methods, would be the same at the end.

    And about the #2, is not needed play the game to know that he is trolling. He wrote a link to demonstrate I'm cheating and this link not has anything, so if he cannot demonstrate I'm cheating he cannot say a thing like this, I don't need demonstrate that I'm not cheating, who needs demonstrate it is him, is like if I need demonstrate that the martians not exist, is not how it works, if you accuse about something who accuse is who needs demonstrate. As he not demonstrated nothing his post should be deleted.
    #3 QLC, 6/30/20
    Last edited: 7/11/20
  4. Rolan

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    This is exactly what Middleman Exploitation is.

    You can say that you are accepting payments thru other methods but do not put price tag on it unless its the same as the price that you put in your Middleman Checkout link.

    Anyway, what i'm trying to tell you about if you really want to sell your account with 2 price tags then create a separate thread for each prices, one with a Middleman Link and the other without a Middleman Link.
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  5. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    Well then simply I changed the price from 120 USD to 130 USD and I not neeed touch anything inside the post, simply I tell always that the price is 120 USD, but if they want use Middleman to have this extra protection then they must pay 50% of the fee, so will be 130 USD. Already I used Middleman 5 times, probably PlayerUp got more than 100 USD with fees from me, because I did more than 600 USD sellings with Middleman as payment method, so is not like I'm only accepting other payment methods, but using a Middleman link to get a pinned as you said LOL this would be an exploit, but put the lowest price of my payment methods I not see it as an exploit and there is not any rule in this site saying this is an exploit, but anyway I will keep the 130 USD by this way nobody more talk me about it LOL

    Anyway the important this was delete that trolling message about this guy that only connected to the forum to say silly things, so if you not delete that message you will be harming my sellings and if I do less sellings because of it also Playerup will get less money, I don't know if Playerup pays some money to you, but if you not help the sellers against the trolls you are harming Playerup, if you like this site you must help the sellers, who are who generate money for Playerup, and protect them against the trolls deleting these trolls messages. Now that the price tag is the same than in the Middleman link, the point #1 not has any sense, and the point #2 simply is trolling, not true thing, he not demonstrated nothing, my accounts never used cheats, if the admins of the game investigate the account they will not find any # or cheat data, so if you not delete a message like this, about a guy that not connected since 3 months ago, witch is the only message he published, so probably is a second account of some another jealous, envious and sociopath seller trying to harm my sellings, and is a guy saying false things, then if you not help to moderate messages like this, you are not helping the sellers and you are harming the Playerup earnings.
  6. Rolan

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    If you agree to not putting 2 or more price tags in a singular thread then i will delete his post.
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  7. Rolan

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  8. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Now my thread price is the same than the Middleman link. Are you saying that is not possible use a # if they use another payment method? When they use Middleman I lose 20 USD because of the Middleman fee, which is very high, already I accepted lose 10 USD because my price is 130 USD only 10 USD more when they use Middleman, so alread I accepted lose 10 USD when they use the Middleman payment method. Always I offered 2 different prince in my threats and some people anyway prefer this extra price to have the buyer protection, so it not harms in any way the PlayerUp sellins, if they see that I offer Middleman and PayPal at same price anyway they will prefer PayPal most of times, only they would prefer Middleman if the price is lower than PayPal, but I cannot do that, because Middleman is 20 USD extra fee LOL so the most normal thing is if the buyer pays that fee, should be automatically included in the price when the buyer pays the accounts, instead of # 20 USD in my cashout, as this is not how it works then simply they must pay it, like when you buy something in Amazon and you add an insurance to have an extra protection, or when you choose a faster shipping method because you want receive it earlier, are advantages for the buyer, for the seller there is not any advantage if they use methods with insurances or faster shippings, so is the buyer who pays it.

    So I not see that say a different price for other payment methods is not correct for PlayerUp, they will not get more money if I put the same price, but if is the case then probably I can say I do #, without say which is the #, or saying a percentage instead of a price LOL like Daniel Passos in the end of all his threads he say is doing discounts:

    Is an user with near to 150 sellings and is doing the same in all post. I can find a lot of people saying that they do discounts, is the normal thing. The only bad thing is what the Middleman says in the first paragraph, when you put a price in the threat, but later inside the post you tell that you not use Middleman and that you only accept other methods, this is a violation, but when you put the Playerup method as first option, like me, with only 10 USD more than the other mehods, accepting lose 10 USD when the people use this method, then should be correct. But if you say is not correct then I will not say the concrete price and simply say that I do discounts, as it seems is correct lol As this site not has any web or post with all the rules, and the only thing you have is a screenshot of a private message sent to you about your own violation, is hard to know how works the system.
  9. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    This is the only thing I found in the Terms of Service about the transaction. In the point 6.2 says that the sellers are solely responsible about the fees and taxes applied to the buyers, so takin into account the 6.2 point if I want apply some extra fee or # should be correct, like if I want put a price for PayPal with buyer protection, another price for PayPal without buyer protection and another price for TransferWise, are different fees, taxes. I not see anything about say different prices for other payment methods is not correct, the only thing I see is a 6.2 point saying that is correct. But if you say is not correct then probably is an internal term that contradicts that 6.2 point lol


    Transactions between Buyers and Sellers

    6.2 Users are solely responsible for all of the terms and conditions of the transactions conducted on, through, or as a result of use of the Site, including, without limitation, terms regarding payment, returns, warranties, shipping, insurance, fees, taxes, title, licenses, fines, permits, handling, transportation and storage.
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