K200 260 million account and farms

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/12/15.

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    Nice account on K200

    I've had heaps of fund building this account and now all it needs is an aggro warrior to drive it!

    Honestly when you read the spec you won't need an alliance you are your own alliance you have enough production to make aprox 1 mil T4 troops per month. (Full restorative has been researched 30% reduction in troop building costs)

    All buildings at L 21

    9 hospitals 360K capacity

    2 barracks

    4 Villas


    1.2 million+ stone per hour

    1.07 million+ wood per hour

    Over one million gold. Heaps of treasure chests. Materials/Gems

    All regular and strategic troops unlocked.

    All regular and strategic traps unlocked.

    Hero line very advanced 8's and 9's hero regularly one shots L2 monsters.

    2* 7 treasury 42K gold per months pays for 24/7 shielding. Never get hit again.

    1* 3 treasury 10.4k gold

    Full set of legendary high quality attack gear. All gear has T6 gems

    Only one piece is epic with a mix of T5/T6 gems.

    I have spent over 6k on the game yes I went a bit crazy. Asking price $1200 USD for all four accounts (the main two farms and dedicated bank).

    If you are looking to buy a high powered account message me with your best offer.

    The farms:

    1.13 million+ silver per hour

    1 million+ ore per hour

    1 million+ food per hour

    1 dedicated bank. Allows all your farms to be producing 24/7

    No more need to farm ever again and risk getting tile hit.

    Thanks and have fun.

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