Kingdom Linos #346 -SH19 -Power:40mil -Gold: 60k -Hero: Lvl 46 + good gear -1.1mil T3 troops, Max research for SH19(9/10 all Strat Atk, 9/10 all Strat Def) -Casino High Roller, 90k chips x55, plus 1.75mil chips balance in casino - Over 1bil resources in total, plus resource boosts -7 200% March Speeds -Gift Mode 300+ unopened chests -Hyper: Wood -VIP 7, Plus lots more. $150 obo Account #2 -Kingdom Sachi #418, 10 Days old -SH21 - 5 ATP, 122 Sacrificial Daggers, 336 Iron Shackles, 31 Books of war, 25 War Bonds -800mil RSS, 4.8mil Power, 500-600 unopened chests -VIP7, Hyper Stone-740k per hr, lvl 42 hero, $50 Account #3 Kingdom Sachi #418, 10 Days Old -SH18 -Power: 14.5mil, -Gold 15k -Hero: Lvl46 -Research: Strategic Combat T3, 9/10 Ranged Atk, 8/10 Infantry/Calvery Attack, 8/10 All def,6/10 Health, -140k T3 troops, - VIP 7, High Roller, Gift Mode, 350 Daggers, 5mil woodx107, 5mil Stonex101, 5mil Orex98, 2mil Silver x100, 6mil food x94 -500+ unopened chests ect. $75 Accounts #2 and $3 can be purchased as a package for $100 Paypal Payment. .; 50mil power on Account #1 All 3 Account 200$