I dont have much time to play so i hope i can make someone happy with it. theres about 40mill on bank. Agility lvl 109 Thieving 104 Attack 100 Strength 99 Defend 99 Ranged 99 Constitution 102 Prayer 98 Cooking 89 Crafting 94 Smithing 94 Mining 95 Herblore 96 Slayer 102 Farming 86 Runecrafting 119 Hunter 86 Construction 91 Summoning 97 Dungeoneering 94 Divination 92 Invention 67 Archelogy 1
dont buy its banned and i aready time ago tryed to list it as sold, sorry for ruin this its not my site that sucks i cancel everyone order.
playerup suspends players for having mutiple accounts, they might scam you. Check out epicnpcmarketplace