Welcome Penguins! Hey Guys! I'm Pretty Sure you are here to See What all of this Crazy Club Penguin Stuff is about Right? Well Lets Just Get Started. The penguin has all 5 of the anniversary hats, Every Viking Hat, Every Single Rare Penguin back round ever Created (Yes even The Old Band One), the Water Wings, The Red Boa, And Much Much More. That List can Seriously go on and I can name you every rare item in the game as this Penguin has them all. This Penguin also has 1,000,000 coins (1 Million Coins) and even though it is not a Member it doesn't have to be to wear all of the member items it has. AKA #. I have setup a video for this Account so click on it and check it out. (I had to make it fast sorry it is bad)