Cl 25 Io with complete purple T6 Acce (pvp set) with +9 T2 Legendary arti. CL 20+ Rufus ready (open tix + 500 CS stone), Ronan, Rin (w/ +8 T2 leg arti) 9, Elesis, Lass, CL23 Lire. 9/100 Summon count on Royals with 10 excess ticket. 5.5k gems, 220m gold. Most are T6 and T3. Have ample amount of evos, 12k BoV, Likability status: 3 still on progress. Can easily get 1.2B WB damage, been on Challenger multiple times. If you want further details just contact me on Discord at Siegel #5532 RFS: I need financial needs for my academics
It also has 4 rare avatars Ley (priate) Edel (winter) Nelia (admiral) and Lire (summer). All PvE contents are cleared and can mesh well with upcoming PvE contents. Price can be # up to 250 usd