Selling Thoughts

Discussion in 'OG Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Accounts' started by /u/AintThatJay, 6/23/20.

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  1. /u/AintThatJay

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    Hey i’m having trouble picking which GT i should use. I’m changing from “SayThatsJ” because people don’t understand my accent and vocabulary and get confused so i’m just gonna use a word i saw in one of my dreams which is “Tabu.” here’s some i’ve found available and need some help deciding which i should pick.

    1. vTabu or zTabu
    2. NCtabu
    3. Oh Tabu
    4. So Tabu
    5. Envy Tabu
    6. IVTabu
    7. Try and make one up
    # #/AintThatJay
    # .
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