Selling Clash of lords 2 account (android)

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/2/15.

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  1. Games

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    Long story short I quit col2 two months ago I've been letting my account idle for that amount of time. My city is pretty developed lv 15 town hall 4 lv 17+ victory statues 5 lv 7 reapers and everything that can be has a shield on it. As far as hero's go I have everything except Chiron. (Only because Chiron came out after I quit.) I have 5 pan goli aids. (One for each hero all level 120) all the other hero's aids are 130+. The five hero's I have out for defense are all 120-128. As far as hero skills go my Abyss demon skill is level 20 same with pangoli. Renne ven 13 and honestly I forgot the rest. (but they only cost 2 rage) I've honestly dumped over $2000 into the game but I'm not looking for that much at all. Since I would like to sell this I want it to go quick so starting price $500 American via PayPal or best offer. If you would like to see screenshots or just want more information on the account you can feel free to message me on line. (For those of you who don't know what it is its a chat app in the marketplace) Once you create an account you can search users by their user ID. My user ID on line is steeezy.
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  2. Ty Moss

    Ty Moss
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