Selling Amazing Clash of Lords 2 account for sale

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/2/15.

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  1. Games

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    Selling this amazing account.
    Some info:
    1,4 mill souls
    66 000 rings
    2400 mutagens
    110 000 mustic crystals
    Unused and your choice what u spend it on,been saving for a time

    Savage chief lvl 180
    Blitz bomber lvl 180
    Skull mage lvl 180 mercs lvl 36
    Dark rider lvl 180 mercs lvl 35
    Glory P lvl 160
    Pounder lvl 155 mercs lvl 35
    Hydrasaur lvl 125
    Blockhead lvl 125 mercs lvl 35
    Carol d belle lvl 125
    Pan goli lvl 125 mercs lvl 36+5 pan goli lvl 120 aiding
    Renee ven lvl 120 mercs lvl 30+one aiding
    Chirion lvl 120

    Have always made diety and mercs are crazy strong,have done 16 mill damge in battle royale.

    Im trusted and one of the leaders in rEvolution.I use wechat id:st3n3rn.have two accounts,st3n3rn1 and st3n3rn.st3n3rn is the one for sale and im also considering selling my main too.look for the accounts and see.st3n3rn1 are in rEvolution rank 2 and st3n3rn in rEvolution2 rank me in wechat(can give screens there),here or [email protected] and give me an offer
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