<- Images Garden Silver prepurchased Asking price is $700, will take any decent offers. Ancestral Lvl 38 - 15800 GS Ebonsong T4 Eternal Bow Holy Ynys Guardian Ring Flawless Hiram Chosen Ring Soul Liberator Necklace (Ranged attack/Agi/Ranged Skill Dmg/Def Pen) Enlightened Archemaster (All skill trees 55) All T3 Noryette accessories Mythic T2 lib belt with +15 ranged attack lunafrost Full T3 gems on hat, glove, belt Eternal Erenor Cloak All gear is fully gemmed and gems are +3 upgraded or higher All armor/wep is T4 Mythic Eternal Ranged costume with ranged attack roll/Def Pen/Skill Dmg/Crit Rate/Crit Dmg Legendary undergarments Max Agility migrated Warlord Title (+25 all stats, 2% crit, 200 Resilience) Gallant Coalmane mount Gallant Black Leomorph Gallant White Elk Stormwraith Kirin Honeybee mount Marvelous Mab Pet Ezi's Glider Eagle Glider Dragon Slayer's Glider Akrites Fistbump earring 400 Gilda Stars 110 Labor Rechargers 2000 Kirios Badges Seaskimmer Speedboat Fuchsiafin Dolphin Mount Puppie onesie Red Rudolph Freighter (with back seat) Epic upgraded Fishing Boat Upgraded Cogwheel longboard Eternal defiance and world swimming set Gargoyle Wings : Sheering Seasong earring (10% swim speed) 24x24 Mining Thatched House 6k gold Alt with 5.5k GS Included Asking price would be [$100] WILL BE CHANGING ALL DATA UPON PURCHASE SO YOU HAVE ALL ACCESS OR CAN GIVE THE EMAIL LINK ITSELF. I am not accepting trade account. What you see is what you get. Please contact me in discord if your'e interested, (Contact) DISCORD: Jeanmaiden#6571 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO WILL CONTINUE THE JOURNEY OF THIS ACCOUNT.