-vip 34 -c35 -45b power -1 kingdom teleportation -a lot of ap -The massacre set: 1. +20 full and 2. + 15 3rd - scream set: 1. + 15 full and 2. +10 and above -No set: 1. +15 full and 2. + 10 and above imposing set: 1. + +15 full and 2. + 10 and above - crimson equipment under construction - Contact for resource information as it is in the development stage contact information: LINE ID: svncn
-VİP 35 -CASTLE 36 -2 KİNGDOM TELEPORT - A LOT OF AP - massacre set: 1st set +20 full 2nd set + 15 full 3.set + +15 full scream set: 1st set +15 full 2.set +15 full agility set: 1st set +15 full 2.set +15 full imposing set: 1st set +20 full 2.set + 15 full -crimson equipment under construction -contact for resource information as it is in the development stage contact information: LINE ID: svncn