WTS account with 3 chars: lvl 60 GWF, lvl 60 DC, lvl 22 CW. GWF 20,5 GS (in t2 set) – almost 22 (in t3): imgur: the simple image sharer Boons: DR 4/5, Sharandar 3/5, TOD 3/5, ID 3/5. Full rank 7 enchants (radiants, azure and draconic), Greater Vorpal (2,7 kk AD worth), L. Soulforged, 4x L. Dragon Hoards and L. Fey Blessing imgur: the simple image sharer 5 Epic artifacts: Waters of Elah’zad, Sigil of Great Weapon, Vanguard Banner, Sigil of Devoted, Forgehammer of Gond (6 kk AD worth on AH!!!) imgur: the simple image sharer Legendary artifact belt, Epic artifact main hand, off hand and neck Rings with 2 slots (lvl 20 jewelcrafting) Mounts: Guard Drake from Zen market (4000 zen worth) – for all account (110% speed), Apparatus of Gond (800k AD worth) – 110 % speed, Medium Snowswirf Horse (80 %), Blue Ribbon pig, Shadow Wolf. imgur: the simple image sharer Companions – Chicken (alternative of Ioun stone) – 3 kk AD worth on AH!!! – epic, Alchemist – epic, Duergar Theurge – epic, Redcap Powrie – epic, Cockatrice – epic, Black ice prospector – epic, Battlefield Medic – epic, Lilend – epic. Rare companions: Zhentarim Warlock, Scarecrow, War Dog, also 9 uncommon companions. imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer Sets: Avatar of war (T2), Draconic Templar (T3), PVP grim (T2) Also on GWF: Doohickey!!! (great for pvp), 45 respec tokens, Not Bound Mysterious Chicken Egg (almost 1kk AD on AH), Throne of Lion, Lesser Bonding Runestones 57x, Greater Stone of Health, 32x Scroll of Mass life, lof of marks, 10x green wards, 200k AD + 350 k AD for refine, 300 gold, 20k glory. imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer 12k DC imgur: the simple image sharer Boons: only DR 3/5 3 artifacts Mounts: Guard Drake ,Apparatus of Gond, Shadow Wolf. Companions - epic :Chicken, , Alchemist, Duergar Theurge, Cockatrice , Black ice prospector, Battlefield Medic, Lilend, rare: Zhentarim Warlock, Scarecrow, also 9 uncommon. imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer Throne of Lion, 22x Scroll of mass life, Stone of Health, 13 respec tokens (+ 4 to account) imgur: the simple image sharer Leadership lvl 14 Lvl 22 CW – leadership lvl 10 (twink) imgur: the simple image sharer You can see how good this account so I want 100 $ for it, payment method – paypal. Contact me here or add in skype – ilyuhahawk. Thanks!
Bump. Can sell it for 90 $ without bonding runestones, or for 70$ without enchant-s and other not bound equipment (gwf without enchts - 18.5k GS)