Sold Best deal: Spy trap 15B (Palace 31) - No one player can defeat him. The best gold spy gear.

Discussion in 'Vikings War of Clans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Killer_Vikings, 6/13/20.

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  1. Killer_Vikings

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    Сan play from any device (android, ios or computer). Account can be linked to your Plarium ID, Google Play or Facebook.. I will give full access.
    Donations for more than 3 months were not made on the account - accordingly, you can purchase the best offers.

    I am a trusted seller with a positive reputation on this site.

    I have experience in the sale and transfer of accounts.

    We can make a deal in 2 ways:

    1) using this site - my price is 140 $.
    Based on my experience - the timeframe for checking, conducting all transactions and transferring an account is from 6 to 30 days.
    2) using the PayPal service - my price is 110 $.
    The term of transfer of an account is 5 minutes.

    Contact me by PM or mail me at [email protected]
    or Line: maintruth
    or WhatsApp (in profile)


    Castle Maxed Level 31.
    VIP Level 31.
    16B Influences.

    Troops - 10m t1, 110m t4 - No player can defeat him, even in Jotunheim
    (54m troops are hidden from the enemy and there are 191m gold to hide else more 200m troops) - this means that the enemy will always think that you have few spies in the city, and will always try to spy on you - with this method I won a lot of battles of kingdoms and clans, and I always take 10 points in yotunheim.

    Valkyrie Maxed spy for t4.
    Drakkar is available for 6 pcs (this is enough to send this account to almost any kingdom).
    Lots of stuffs:
    18 500 tasks
    3,000,000 soul shards
    20,000 stellar splinters

    Hero - Level 62
    hero sets:

    New Secret Achievements:
    The Rarest of Vikings - 10/10
    Pioneer - 7/7
    Skald - 2/10
    Tibboh - 1/10
    Cannonball Baron - 2/10

    Wendla (Scouts) Maxed Level 60 with The Best Shaman Gears
    Baggi (Building) Maxed Level 60 with The Shaman Gears
    Inga (Learning) Maxed Level 60 with The Shaman Gears
    Ulf (infantry) Maxed Level 60 with The Shaman Gears

    Vidar (Scouts) Maxed Level 10

    military boosts:
    reduced enemy health: 35% - 263 pcs and 30% - 181 pcs
    reduced enemy defense: 35% - 274 pcs and 30% - 213 pcs
    reduced enemy offence: 35% - 191 pcs and 30% - 271 pcs
    troop defense: 50% - 87 pcs and 45% - 126 pcs
    damage to troops: 50% - 162 pcs and 45% - 87 pcs
    Infirmary expansion: 200% - 111 pcs and 100% -161 pcs
    warriors return to life: 20% - 124 pcs and 10% - 214 pcs
    the number of troops in the campaign: 175% - 225 pcs and 150% - 282 pcs
    hero double - 6 pcs

    Development boosts:
    Building speed: 35% - 118 pcs and 30% - 166 pcs.
    Hire Prophet: 2 pcs.
    Hire Second Craftsman: 2 pcs.
    Knowledge Upgrade Speed: 35% - 174 pcs and 30% - 232 pcs.
    Number of Warriors in training: 2200% - 49 pcs and 1100% - 4 pcs and 440% - 17 pcs.
    Warrior Training speed: 35% - 365 pcs and 30% - 218 pcs.

    food - 9.4B
    tree - 5.8B
    iron - 4.2B
    stone - 6.7B
    silver - 121m (and 140B packaged)
    gold - 191m

    Important knowledge learned:
    enemy troop health 1: 14/15
    enemy troop defense 1: 14/15
    enemy troop offence 1: 14/15
    enemy troop offence 2: 4/5

    Why this knowledge has not been fully studied - because the last point gives too much superfluous influence - which does not correspond to the acquired power.
    His knowledge is enough to repel any attack and stay in good points.

    This account can be used in different ways:
    1) for its main purpose - a spy trap
    2) so that the enemy removed the shield of city many times in a row, and you could burn the city of the enemy (i did so many times)
    3) or improve your account more and make everything you want out of it, it has everything you need for this.

    This account will give you a lot of fun moments and thoughtless enemies. In this game, many lack it.

    If you want to play this game fun and wisely, but you don’t have enough time to create an account from scratch, it meets your needs.

    In fact, I spent 5 times more than the money I sell and a lot of time. So my price is quite fair for you to get emotions from playing on this account.

    Just click "Buy" on this site or write to me and we will make a fair transaction.

    Contact me by PM or mail me at [email protected]
    or Line: maintruth
    or WhatsApp
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