Sold Farm for senkaimon, potions, raids, extreme co-op

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Boosting Farming Services - Buy Sell Trade' started by BleachBS_farm, 6/12/20.

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  1. BleachBS_farm

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    are you tired to farm materials in BleachBS ?
    have you any difficult to clear Senkaimon tower ?
    well, contact me if you need help, I can farm for you
    pro farm 100% safe (~12hours to farm per day ;)) prepare a lot of soul tickets in gift box.
    if interested, contact me discord : BleachBS_farm#9215 , or mail : [email protected]

    PRICE: only accept paypal
    Senkaimon tower: tower of forging or warrior's path (20€)
    tower of ordeals or path of valor (30€)
    if you need to clear 2 towers both (40€)

    Inheritance zone: ~1000 potions at least per day, with a lot of droplet (50€)

    Epic raids:
    normal raid: ~2500 potions + droplets, ~ 10 brave souls summon tickets(chracter and accessory), familiar spirits, and medal : ~3000-4000 per day according to bonus chracters. (90€)
    raid awakened : ~3500 potions + droplets, ~ 15 brave souls summon tickets(chracter and accessory), familiar spirits, and medal : ~4000-5000 per day according to bonus chracters. (100€)

    Extreme co-op:
    7th seat : ~300 editing brush+ 230 book and ~8000 medals per week (250€)
    I just farmed for 7th seat extreme co-op, so i dont know how many materials 3th can get, i think it can get the double of 7th so (300€)

    #1 BleachBS_farm, 6/12/20
    Last edited: 6/12/20
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