Warframe Rank 16 Hunter Account Comes with 1650 Platinum Syndicate Standing Steel Meridian- Rank 5 Red Veil- Rank 5 BADGES Sling Stone Arid Fear Survial Gate Crash Cryotic Front Stratos, Phase 6 Mutalist Incurison with Brood Mother, Boiler, Tar Mutalist and Swarm Mutalist Eyes Of Blight Sentinels WYRM PRIME- 30 DETHCUBE-30 HELIOS-30 SHADE-30 CARRIER- 30 Kubrows, all in stasis SAHASA-30 SUNIKA-30 HURAS-30 RAKSA-30 Comes with 39 Primary Weapons, including Strun Wraith- 3x Forma Latron Wraith Soma Prime- 3x Forma Snipetron Vandal Snipetron Amprex- 6x Forma, Day of the Dead Skin Glaxion- 5x Forma, Polar Skin Boltor Prime- 6x Forma Prisma Gorgon Opticor- 5x Forma Boar Prime Braton Prime Burston Prime Latron Prime- 4x Forma Paris Prime- 4x Forma Comes with 27 Secondary Weapons, including Rakta Ballistica Telos Akboltos Vaykor Marelok- 3x Forma Akbronco Prime Sicarus Prime Lex Prime Despair Comes with 36 Melee weapons, including Sheev Fang Prime Glaive Prime Dakra Prime BO Prime Scindo Prime Comes with 20 Warframes, All with Reactors and rank 30. Ash- Arcane Scorpion helmet Banshee- 2x Forma, Arcane Chorus helmet, Arcane Reverb Helmet, Ember Prime- 5x Forma, Arcane Backdraft Helmet, Arcane Pheonix Helmet Excalibur Prime- 1x Forma, Arcane Pendragon Helmet Frost Prime- 5x Forma, Arcane Squall Helmet, Arcane Aurora Helmet, Immortal Skin, Festive Skin Hydroid Limbo Loki Prime- Arcane Swindle Helmet, Arcane Essence helmet- Immortal skin Mag Prime Mesa Mirage- 2x Forma Nekros- 3x Forma Nova- 1x Forma Nyx- 1x Forma, Arcane Menticide helmet Oberon Saryn -3x Forma, Arcane Chlora Helmet, Arcane Hemlock Helmet, Immortal Skin Valkyr Vauban -2x Forma, Arcane Espirit Helmet, Arcane Gambit Helmet, Immortal Skin Volt- Arcane Pulse helmet, Arcane Storm helmet Zephyr Stance Mods, Maxed Rare mods include Brutal Tide, Crimson Dervish, Flailing Branch, Gleaming Talon, Cleaving Whirlwind, Tranquil Cleave, Astral Twilight, Eleventh Storm MODS Serration- 10, Heavy Caliber- 10, Vitality- 10, Redirection-10, Steel Fiber- 10, Prime Continuity- 9, Narrow Minded -8, Transient Fortitude-9, Blind Rage- 9, Elemental Sets for- Electric, Cold, Toxin, Slash, Puncture, Impact Comes with all Nightmare mods Comes with all Aura Mods ARCHWING- Max Rank Elytron, Max Rank Itzal, Max Rank Odonata Imperator Vandal, Centaur, Fluctus, Wrathbone, Velocitus- 2x Forma Any other questions, Please ask.