Shopping for an account? Have a specific item you want in mind? Just text me the things you are looking for in an account e.g. Zeus, F Eyes, Digger Spade, Ances etc. and I'll find you the cheapest account. If you want faster replies, dm me on my Instagram. @KhooThienZhi instead of replying here,
Hey i would like an account whit following (mini you, floating speakers, lvl 50, focused eyes, some rings and a goblin) rings would be great if they were force or winds but if its not im okay whit that. and if cant fine one whit focused then i can do whitout them. my buget is 20 euros so i would be happy if it would be close to that range.
Hello, I think I might have the account you're looking for. Could you text me on Instagram. @KhooThienZhi