Selling  Android and iOS Warhammer Chaos and Conquest Android/IOS/PC game - Max Lvl 30 for sale

Discussion in 'Warhammer Chaos & Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marovincian, 5/31/20.

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  1. Marovincian

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    Selling my max lvl 30 character in Warhammer Chaos and Conquest for Android, IOS and PC. Significant hours put and 2 out of 3 max T5 units are unlocked.

    Most battle rituals are maxed out - including monster and cavalry/chariots damage. Units do insane damage.

    High level item sets, including 3 vanquisher items. Several event set items at high level or legendary also.

    Significant March of T5 (Khorne and Tzeentch max damage units) and T4 units and over 130,000,000 power. Ritual and troop counts available upon request.

    A powerful account for anyone looking to get into the game and start off running. Please reach out if interested.

    Asking $4,000 or best offer (O.B.O). “As is” sale but screenshots available for stats and buffs if requested.
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