Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman Bored with the game and moving on. Light side account that goes back and forth from tier 10 and 11 in proving grounds. All evo max are proper 4/7. Highlights include: Strong formation that includes (all evo max) 2 Obi Wan LOTO sk 40, TCO, old Luke (accound locked), old Boba (locked), 2 Padme SaW, Senator Palpatine sk 40, 3 Panaka snipers, Ki Adi Mundi sk 18, Master Yoda 4* sk 17, Luke XWing sk 34, Lando 4* sk 40, 2 Bail Organa sk 40. Other highlights include evo max Wedge in a lvl 5 xwing (for legion battles), Qui Gon Final Duel base, Dooku sith lord base, 2 commander thire bases, Chewie Hero base, Admiral Ackbar base. Other high skill cards include Zam Wessel sk 40, General Rieekan sk 40, General Madine sk 23, General Veers sk 20. All vehicles except soulless one at lvl 5, all hangar and ally slots unlocked. Over 12 million credits, 60k ap plus piles of ap in inbox. Stat point and account rename are available. Many other 4* cards are in the binder along with 59 raw remotes. Looking for $600 usd, please PM if interested.