I haven't played AJ for a while now, so I'm selling my items. I haven't set any prices yet, but I won't be picky... PLEASE COMMENT HERE SO WE CAN ARRANGE THINGS AFTERWARDS<3 CLOTHING spikes red long yellow long blue long pink short red short yellow long wristband cupids white black pink blue fox hats pink red worn blankets spring (diamond item) light blue (rare) red-ish brown yellow/cream pink black leap year (light purple, rare) gloves red rare glove pink rare glove black rare glove red glove flower crowns yellow red purple pink black pirate swords blue red pink black bow and arrows rare green rare magenta rare silver neon other pink elf tail armor pink rare head feather rare nerd glasses (the gold version) pink jamaaliday bow PETS rare phantom rare pet mouse rare pet mantis rare pet grasshopper Meagyn's Pet Bear FURNITURE wood floor black rectangular coffee table orange rectangular coffee table rocking horse Mira statue television the claw