POWER: over 100 mil HERO: 49 VIP: 8 TROOPS: T4 STRATEGIC TROOPS: T3 TRAPS: T4 STRATEGIC TRAPS: T4 Have all economy and combat research complete. This account is in a young kingdom! Ramos #366 is only 2 months old. At 102 million power this city is ranked in the top 100 most powerful. Several lvl 6 Cores, Pieces, Gems, and Materials are available for crafting. Chests still available: Calydonian Boar 261 Turkey Feather 249 Thanksgiving 323 Hallows 241 Epic Map 324 Epic Core 471 Epic Piece 148 Cerberus 238 Cyclops Relic 300 Golems 277 Minotaur Relic 272 Epic Snow Calvary 300 Epic Snow Range 300 Epic Snow Health 160 CENTER] [/CENTER]