This account rarely gets used anymore so I'm choosing to sell it. Primarily it was used for storage so there are tons of 4*s on it. Lineup ranks at 10 on avg but gets into tier 11 on occasion. 5* 4/7 maul *** evo 2 old vader Evo 1 jango 4/7 old dooku padme SaW x2 qgj lando 2 untradeables ( base maul *** / base ani pad) Various holiday 5*s noteable other cards mas sk40 dark Cody sk40 ERG sk40 tarkin sk40 magna guard sk35 dark bly sk22 over 100 4*s over 20mill creds 249 crystals Looking for $350 but # within reason. Feel free to text me at 601-529-9949 for information