Selling  Android  Grinding service!!

Discussion in 'WWE SuperCard Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by BurnItDown1184, 5/24/20.

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  1. BurnItDown1184

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    My Location:
    For the last year or so, I have been offering a service to other players (very successfully) which helps them get things in the game that they may be to busy to get themselves. These services range from playing solo events, PVP, MITB etc. I have many satisfied regular customers, and I'm 100% trusted.

    To help with all the things listed above, you need credits. I also charge a fee, depending on the game mode and also what you're looking to get from it. I am very fast with MITB, can get a pro in less then a day guaranteed. I can get you full heroics (if your deck permits), 3, 4 or 5 momentum slots, fully charged and all attacks done in TBG' name it, I can help!

    If anybody is interested, please contact me via text at 289 335 7117, or email at [email protected]. I'm available anytime!

    EDIT: Android users only
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