Sold Fiverr Account-213 Reviews-avg price 165

Discussion in 'Fiverr Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Sebastijano, 5/24/20.

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  1. Sebastijano

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    I'm selling Fiverr Account with over 213 Reviews with average price 165$.

    The seller niche is : Dropshipping.
    Skills required : There is no skills required ( only basic wordpress knowledge ) I will offer you 100 premade templates and plugins and dropshipping instruction file so you can easily create a website for a clients.

    My Net income: 30.324$ , I have 2500$ active orders.

    I'm owner of more then 4 online stores and i'm very busy myself so I could not work on every potential project on fiverr so I had to cancel a lot of projects. This is perfect gig for people who want to be independed as a freelancers.

    -------------------------------------PRICE IS 5000$ AND IT'S MY FINAL PRICE----------------------------------------

    This is perfect investment for people who want to earn on monthly basis and want to be independet-

    *I'm selling this account because i'm too busy and this obviously deserve someone who canput their time on it*
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