I am selling my account (level 61 with most characters unlocked) with all these skins: Buck- Triggerman, Kingpin and Buck Wild skins Makoa- Omega, Volcanic, Dutchman (and maybe Plushie) skins Ruckus- Beta skin Talus- Oni skin Ash- Ronin skin Cassie- Night Bane skin Mal'Damba- Wickerman, Chancellor, Shadow Lord, Defiler and Cursed skins Seris- Infernal and Madame skins Terminus- Omega skin Furia- Aurora and Battlesuit Angel skins Moji- Dragonborn skin Sha Lin- Vigilante and Outlaw skins Willow- Firecracker skin Barik- Stonecut, Hi-tek, TF2 and Swashbuckler skins Dredge- Omega skin Grohk- Tribesman Pip- Mad Scientist and Arctic skins Skye- Twilight and Kunoichi skins Ying- Death Speaker and Snapdragon skins Bomb King- Twitch Prime King skin Dragoz- Dreadhunter skin Grover- Blightbark Strix- Raven skin Zhin- Omega skin I counted all my purchases and it cost me about 25 dollars and since I can't play the game anymore, I want to sell my account and get my money back. Note: price is a bit bigger because there is some fee, so in the end it cost about 26 I think.