Sold  High End 269m Power, very very potential account + gold farm account

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by adam zhao, 5/22/20.

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  1. adam zhao

    adam zhao
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    My Location:
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    Research power: 150m power
    army power: 77m power
    10 GOLD commanders, and waiting for lord of lords to unlock more, could be 15 gold commanders and more
    some purple commanders
    132 weirwood heart
    832 days research and general speeds up in total
    391 days training speeds up

    T3 1.1m, T4 1.4m

    more than 1.1m diamonds

    badge :most are blue, and 131 gold badge chest , 66 blue badge chest , 12 purple badge chest
    friend ship chests: 40 gold, 255 puple, 111 blue
    training expansion 50000: 5
    warrior summoners: 20% for 10, 50% for 64, 75% for 18
    some permanent castle skins and 1 marching animation
    castle lvl: lvl5 glory
    combat rate: 2583
    Dragon skills: there is one legion damage skills ,other normals need to ask me
    2 dragons: lvl60 and lvl 23

    more information need to ask me,it worth a lot

    And there is a gold farm account, 530m power, 532K/hour, more than 1m soldiers

    and im still playing, lord of lords will come on May 24th, that will be a lot higher power( up to 400m) and sabrina will be purple

    4 relocation scrolls and 3m alliance coins

    ask me if anyone interested in my account

    discord : adam1010#3121
    #1 adam zhao, 5/22/20
    Last edited: 5/22/20
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