Note that I require a payment up front via PayPal before I give you any codes/names. I will NOT use any third-party "middle man" service, I will only give you access after I have been paid and the payment has been cleared. Note that I am open to reasonable offers, feel free to post them here or PM me. I can give you my Facebook. account via PM for chatting/pictures/whatever. In the account you will received these characters: Dragon Knight ( Level 45 ) Dwarf ( Level 37 ) Mage ( Level 11 ) Server: Agathon Primary Character: Dragon Knight (Level 45) Shown below are maximum stats on different builds: Damage: 574-633 Speed: 1.44 Life: 9280 Armor: 4184 Block Rate: 1624 Block Amount: 1620 Resistances 380-713 Has: Keen's Might Set 1/3 (belt) Dragonache Set (Bloodtooth) (Tear Holder) (+25 dmg) Full Powerful Sargon Armor Set (>10000 life) Dragan's Black Warlord Helm and Shoulders (>5300 armor and higher block, full defense) Dark Armor Set (2/5) (All lvl45) Ammon's Set (3/5) (All lvl45) GEMS: 3 radiant amethys 1 radiant diamond 1 radiant onyx 1 radiant cyanite 3 polished ruby 3 polished sapphire rest polished amethys/diamond/cyanite CURRENCIES: 220 gold 212 drakens 18,000 andermant 383,920 Glyphs of Power 50+coins for mortis MOUNTS: Onyx Dragonspawn ( Epic mount ) Jade Dragonspawn ( Epic mount ) Tame Battle Spider ( Epic mount ) Red Armored Warhorse Shadow Steed Hell Mare OTHER UNIQUES: ( With Polished/Simple Gems ) Used as gem storage Ring of Life (Level 45) Ring of Death (Level 45) Handaxe of the End of Time (Level 45) Captain Gregory's Shield (Level45) Sargon's Powerful Shadow Claw Sargon's Shadow Mace Sargon's Shadow Shield Cloak of Gloom Vargulf Round Shield Ancestral Wolf Mace Hengest Revenge OTHERS: Shadow Minion (Costume) Crimson Hunting (Costume) Chameleon Skin (Costume) Gladiator's Decorative Armor IV (Costume) Power of Heavens (Emote) Shadow Boxing (Emote) Laughing Fit (Emote) Throw Snowball (Emote) Professor Jullov's Monster (Emote) Dragonspawn (5% more XP Pet) Pudgy Dragonspawn (5% more HP Pet) Diligent Gnome (5% more HP Pet) Wee Viscanium Guardian (5% more XP Pet) Goth Hare (3% more Critical Hit Pet) 6 Pitch Black Dyes 3x Map to Gnob 1 Stone Jabbax Hand